Monday, July 28, 2014

Surprises everywhere :)

Date:  July 28, 2014
Area:   Valparisio, Indiana
Companion:  Sister Wells
Week 21 in Valpo

Hello World!
Gary, me, and MaryJo They gave us goodies and garden gloves

How is everyone? I am doing so great!  :) man it has been a wonderful week! So many surprises! I honestly feel so spoiled! And yesterday Ashley gave Sister Wells and I this little scrapbook full of love and Despicable Me! And Sister Wells is How to Train you Dragon and words of love for her. It was just so sweet! We are going to miss her! She has a three week break from school so we won't see her until the day before transfers :( so sad.

So pretty much I had like 20 friends come home from there missions! It is so crazy! Sisters and Elders! It is so weird! I suspect I will be hiding more these next few weeks as summer comes to a close. And what I mean by hiding is hiding them from my newsfeed on Facebook so I am
not distracted from the outside world. :)
Saw this and had to take a picture it is where Taylor is.

-Sister Brittany Attansasio!
-Sister Tiffiany Rassmusen!
                   -Best roomies ever! Love you! Thought it was funny last time I got a kletter from
                     you both it was in the same week! Hehe :) I loved
the picture Tiffy!
-Sister Hone
-Hermana Alex Jackson
And then we check the mail today and I had five letters! Yay! :) thank you everyone! Keep them coming! They are a missionaries best friend! :)
-Grandma Mary! You are the best! I love your stories and your encouragement! :)
-Holden's :)
-Marissa Laurence
-Sister Mikaela Burr
-Elder S. Deweese

Monday! -Fact Sister North Needs a Social life to be happy!

So we had our awesome Zone activity and we played Frisbee and Sister Wells is an Animal and I'm the Beast! (Love nicknames from the Elders) So I'd say we make a pretty good team! :) yay! :) we played volleyball, kickball, more volleyball, and monkey in the middle, and just had fun and talked. Oh my goodness this is what Sister Wells and I needed! I still can't believe how much happier we both are ha! It was just so wonderful!  :)

We came home had a snack, wrote a note to Debbie and we went and visited her. It went well, it was great to see her. She is trying to figure out everything right now. We told her that it is up to her to
learn. It was interesting though because she didn't want us to leave, before we went in I prayed that she would feel the spirit and I know she did. We would wrap things up and then she would ask us another question, this kept happening even after we left her with a prayer. We didn't teach her anything but we told her it is her choice and to call us if she wanted to learn again. I think we both feel better about dropping her now, but it is still hard but I know she'll call when she is ready. We expect to see her no matter what at the end of the Transfer because we are pretty sure we won't survive the next transfer and we feel like we need to say goodbye to her. We will keep praying
for her but for now that is all we can do.

Oh yeah here is a funny! Sometimes you go to leave the library and you almost get ran over, so what do you do? Use it as a finding opportunity and give the a or card ha!

Tuesday - Going strong!

We had three appointments for today which they all fell through :( sad day! It is a nice HOT day but still was great!  :)

We started out the morning visiting Sister Vickers but she wasn't feeling well so I asked her if we could sing her a song and she said yes!  :) she picked

Oh, May My Soul Commune with Thee : Hymns

1. Oh, may my soul commune with thee And find thy holy peace; From worldly care and pain of fear,
Please bring me sweet release.

2. Oh, bless me when I worship thee To keep my heart in tune, That I may hear thy still, small voice,
And, Lord, with thee commune.

3. Enfold me in thy quiet hour And gently guide my mind To seek thy will, to know thy ways,
And thy sweet Spirit find.

4. Lord, grant me thy abiding love And make my turmoil cease.  Oh, may my soul commune with thee And find thy holy peace.

And then we read Alma 37:36-37

36 Yea, and cry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all thy doings be unto the Lord, and  whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever.

37 Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day.

We stopped by the Archers and share a brief message with them. We caught them before they jumped in the pool. It was fun to visit with them again, it has been a while since they've been so busy with summer time.

We visited Edna and older lady, she doesn't want to come back to church but we visit her once in a while because well she's lonely. She was very talkative today and it was a good time. :) she even gave me stuff to put on my stupid but bite.  Oh my!mi had the worse bug but ever! It was on top of my foot so my shoes would rub it and well it was not a good thing! If it kept it up I thought I'd have to go to the store and by a new pair of shoes but it went by by!...mostly :)

Wednesday-Miracles happening everywhere!

We had District meeting today, it is still weird to me to have a new district leader but it is way great! We talked about being a better missionary and working harder.

We met with the Yaros today and taught the Restoration now that Joe is involved, we used Janga to explain it and it went really well. Joe seems to really be thinking of what we are teaching. It is awesome to see! I am so happy he is joining us! So grand! :) they have been looking at my copy of the Book of Mormon and Joe said he likes my notes, I told him he can still hold on to it. They both made a comment saying they've read my testimony that I've written so that is good. :) it was a good lesson, Joe seems to be wanting to know more than ever so that's exciting.

We had dinner with the Tucker's, and had a sweet lesson and talked about things that make us happy. :) I just love them! Always fun to spend time with them.

Ashley texted us saying she could come out with us so we said Yes! And she made us a cd ah yay!so exciting to have a new CD! And she wrote us a sweet note on it!

We had a great lesson with her with Glenn on Temples and teaching him about them because we new he had a lot of questions from institute the other day. It was such a great lesson! It was pretty deep but perfect! He is so ready! It was almost Nine but I just felt like we couldn't leave just yet. As we were talking I pretty much just asked him something like "okay I feel like something is hiding that we don't know about your concern for baptism" I'm not really sure what I said but I know it was blunt and then he tells us his concern!!  He told us how he is Feeling like it is true! Ahh yay! :) and told us how he wants to talk to his family about it! He said he feels like he is starting to get an answer! Oh my goodness!! He wants to pray about the date we invited him to. We are excited! He is progressing! He told us how he sees a difference when he reads the scriptures before work and when he doesn't. The only sad thing about the situation is his baptism will be next transfer...and we are 99.9% sure that we won't be together so hopefully everything will work out that we will be able to be there. :) I'm so excited for him! And so excited to go with him to the Temple! That will be super cool!  :) Glenn is the best! And is just so sincere! It is the best! He even asked if he would be ready by then. We said yes and that you are more ready then you think and we told him just think how much you have grown the last month, and just imagine how much you will grow in the next month and then after that?
It was pretty cool. :) It was a great lesson! We were cold!

Oh yeah! And we told him how he needs to go to a "Mormon Dance" baha! Yeah...we have fun during jealous! ;)

Thursday Planning? I think Not! Ahh! Today is July 24th! I left to be a Missionary a year ago!

Usually Thursdays are our weekly planning days but needless to say lately they haven't been. And this week it won't be either! Yay Sister Conference! :) super excited! :)

We started off the morning going to a doctors appointment and Sister Wells had a great missionary moment! Yay! Go her! I just sat in the waiting room and well no one was there for a while but oh well.

We then met with the Martinez family and Ashley came with us! It was so great to meet with them! It has been forever! They are such a great family! I love how much they just love each other! They're great.

(After We had a late lunch and we used haft of it talking with Ashely, that was fun. :) we also had a funny moment with our neighbor)

We taught Kim! Yay! We haven't taught her in forever! We started teaching her the Plan of Salvation and we only taught haft of it and we would let her see the rest of the cut out. It was pretty great! We
left her with a cliffhanger! Whaha! And we called her last night to set up an appointment and her boy friend was with her and pretty much all three of us are going to teach him. So this could be super
awesome! Pretty excited! :)

We stopped by the Ortize family but we didn't get to teach anything. But they are so sweet just always busy.

Friday - Busy awesome day!

Started off the day with some good ol Facebook! And we started teaching a Former investigator! Super excited to see where it goes! He seems pretty cool.

We had a splendid time with the Sarvers talking about how they enjoyed Sacrament, Book of Mormon, and Preach My Gospel.  We are going to get them there own copy. At the end we got off topic and Gary was like okay lets pray so you can give them there present! Say what they had a
present for us? What? They gave us chocolates and gardening gloves! We have our own gardening gloves! Oh my goodness super sweet! Gary was laughing at how excited we got over gloves haha. It was just so nice! :)

Dinner was with the Daubeks and brother Daubek aka Chuck Norris burnt us some EFY CDs surprises everywhere! It is so weird to listen to music that I don't know the words is rather nice! :) we had yummy tacos with them.

We then made a few stop bys and the last person we visited, well I guess you could say Ended the day with a bang or another surprise. We were teaching a lesson and as we leave the cops showed up....yeah that was interesting. Nothing bad happened but we won't be teaching that person anymore.

Saturday-Planning ending with a Bang! In a good way this time ha ;)

Sister North-"I should stop having photo shoots with myself" Sister Wells "You are going to have fun engagement photos" ha most likely, I'm a weirdo and I sure do love pictures! That will be one adventure! Baha! Don't have to worry about that for a long time! Then she tells me that my prosperity won't have to worry about what her Great something grandma looks like, I guess it works.

We tried to see Sister Vickers because we told her we would help her with her family history but she was asleep so we went to the library and got on Facebook, and I posted on the blog I just started. It was a productive time and Michael the former said he might be coming to church! Ahh yay! So cool to use Facebook! :) then we went back to Sister Vickers but she was still asleep, she might be getting over a cold.

Ahh!! Ended the day with a super duper amazing awesome lesson with the Yaros! Oh my goodness! Words can NOT describe! They read not only one chapter but both the chapters we gave them! It was such a peaceful lesson! Honestly I think both Sister Wells and I were shocked! I guess the best way to describe it is the other lessons have been kind of argumentative but not this time. It was so good and tangents still happened but more focused and not as long winded.  The spirit was there and there hearts are being softened! They all joined in it was just amazing!  :) I am so excited to teach them more than ever! :)

Something that was funny as we get there Jordan(8 year old) pulls out a big tree branch and puts it in the way so we can't drive pass and then he goes and runs away and hides behind a tree and we are like Jordan hi! Will you move it for us and he does and runs behind the tree and giggles. It was pretty cute! :)

Sunday - Always a Good day! :)
We were excited to see three less actives and one investigator at church today but sadly no one came. :( but it was still wonderful! For sacrament they asked all four of us missionaries to share our
testimonies on Joseph Smith but they only had Sister Wells and Elder Foster share. I was a little bummed because I love sharing my testimony! I haven't been able to in church for a long time. On fast Sundays our ward is awesome at sharing there testimonies and God hasn't made me go up, but maybe next time.

But because I didn't get to share my testimony with them I'll share it with you! I love Joseph Smith so much! He is such an amazing man! Sometimes when I feel like my days are so hard I just remember what he went through and suddenly it doesn't matter anymore, well my burden does feel lighter. I am beyond grateful for his dedication and courage and strength to keep going! I am so glad he pushed through and translated the Book of Mormon! The Book of Mormon changes peoples hearts! It has changed me so much! As Sister Wells likes to say "as you start studying the scriptures they start out as vegetables, they don't taste that good but the more you keep studying the more they become your favorite dessert! And the best part is, You can have as much as you would like! It is awesome!" I love my scriptures they are the best brownies in the world! ;) I know Joseph Smith was called of
God to restore this gospel! I know it to be true and I love it so much! :)

I hope you all are having a great day! Go out and serve someone! Write someone a note! Make them smile. :) you all are the best! I am praying for you!

Love always,
Sister Amber North :)

Ps. Mom I printed off pictures today so you will be getting a surprise! As in my SD card ha ;)

PPS: Happy Birthday to my bestest friend ever! I love you Nut! :) go have some Camba Juice and take pictures and send it to me and at the Temple! Even though I'm not there the tradition must still go on! :)
but we will go Feb. 2015! Can't wait! :)

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